IOTA’s TRADE Project Showcases First Demonstrator for Secure and Interoperable Automotive Cyber Systems

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The TRADE project, funded by BMBF_Bund, showcased its first demonstrator at the annual meeting held in Ingolstadt. This project aims to advance secure and interoperable Automotive Cyber Systems using IOTA technology. Collaborative efforts between Filancore, ETO, and THIngolstadt have resulted in the integration of research from “alfried” for car-to-infrastructure evidence using IOTA. The TRADE solution combines ETO’s automotive hardware, Filancore’s Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) Identity and Access Management System, and THI’s Automotive Client to enhance security in autonomous driving. The project’s objective is to seamlessly embed every component within the vehicle, leveraging IOTA’s decentralized ledger technology for secure and feeless transactions. THIngolstadt will conduct comprehensive testing to evaluate the efficacy of SSI in Automotive Cyber Systems. The focus remains on delivering a secure and autonomous driving system.

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