Lugano Embraces Cryptocurrency: Bitcoin and Tether Now Accepted for Taxes and Municipal Services

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The city of Lugano in Switzerland has announced that it is now accepting Bitcoin and Tether (USDT) as payment options for taxes and other municipal services. This move is part of Lugano’s “Plan B,” a collaboration with Tether to integrate blockchain solutions into daily municipal operations. Lugano residents and businesses can use either currency to pay any bill issued by the city, thanks to a streamlined process enabled by the Swiss crypto firm Bitcoin Suisse. Bitcoin Suisse provides the technical backbone for accepting Bitcoin and Tether, allowing residents to simply scan a code on their bill and pay with their preferred mobile crypto wallet. This development follows the recent announcement of a payment app called MyLugano, which allows residents to pay taxes, parking tickets, and public services using crypto. Lugano’s adoption of crypto payments is in line with the growing trend of Swiss municipalities offering cryptocurrencies as an alternative to traditional payment methods.

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