Hollywood Director Makes 575% Profit Trading Dogecoin with Netflix Funds

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A Hollywood director, Carl Erik Rinsch, reportedly made a significant profit by trading Dogecoin with funds originally allocated for a Netflix show. Rinsch received $55 million from Netflix to finance the production of the show “Conquest,” but disagreements with the company led him to invest millions of dollars in Dogecoin instead. This decision came after Rinsch’s erratic behavior and failure to meet production milestones, causing Netflix to abandon the project. Alongside his Dogecoin investment, Rinsch also engaged in options bets in the stock market and splurged on luxury items like Rolls Royce vehicles and a Ferrari. However, his bet on Dogecoin paid off handsomely, as he saw a staggering 575% return on his investment. Rinsch transferred $4 million to the crypto exchange Kraken and purchased Dogecoin, eventually selling it for $27 million in 2021.

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